Join me and take the October Unprocessed Challenge. Have you ever thought about eliminating preservatives and chemicals from your diet? Want tips and recipes to get started? Check out my friend Andrew Wilder's blog Eating Rules for inspiration and clean eating all month long. One of my recipes will be included as a guest post this month too, so I'll keep you posted. And remember that this is not an all or nothing proposition. Everyone starts from where they are and makes whatever improvements they can.
Why eat unprocessed foods?
I believe that chemical-free, preservative-free food is easier for our bodies to digest, is healthier for our bodies and more nutritious. Processed foods, on the other hand, are generally higher in fat, salt, sugar, and calories, and are often lower in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Many people who took Andrew's challenge last year said that they had more energy, felt better, and some even got rid of health ailments like eczema and digestive problems. I want to try this and hope I get similar results.
It's all about the taste.
Furthermore, I believe that food should taste amazing. So I'm not talking about old-school chalky, cardboard "health food." Unprocessed food tastes better to me. Real, whole ingredients that are fresh are bursting with flavor. Dishes made with fresh, seasonal, local ingredients are what food is supposed to taste like.
Here are some of my favorite unprocessed recipes:
Homemade Dried Herbs
Butternut Squash Soup with Apple, Sage, and Nutmeg
The Sweet/Savory Crunchy/Smooth Salad
Here's my favorite article on Andrew's blog so far: Unprocessed FAQ: Additives, Preservatives, and Other Confusing Ingredients. When I read food labels, I always wonder what some ingredients are like xanthan gum, guar gum, soy lecithin, natural flavors, and carrageen. Well, now I know thanks to Andrew. So, if you wonder too, check it out.
I hope you'll take the pledge and join me and over 5,500 other people who are taking on the October Unprocessed challenge.
Heather Jarman says
Thanks for this information, Dana. What a great campaign. I've just signed up. Of course, it's easier over here in Italy and I eat this way all the time. I hope it encourages other people to do the same.
FoodieGoesHealthy says
Hi Heather, Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the pledge. I hope to learn unprocessed Italian recipes from you soon. Best, Dana
Heather Jarman says
Dana, it would be lovely to see you here in Italy. Best, Heather